
Manly Camera Club usually runs seventeen competitions a year, based on open and set topics. We encourage all members to enter our competitions, as these are good forums to hear constructive appraisals of your work from independent judges. Guests are invited to take part in activities, but only Manly Leagues Club members are allowed to enter the competitions. We try to cater for all members with a range of topics and seek feedback from members each year on possible topics for the following year.

The competitions are all Digital, with mono and colour sections. Competitors can enter up to four images in a competition. However, there is a maximum of two images per section.

Competitions are judged by experienced and accomplished professionals and each image is awarded a score out of fifteen. Judges provide constructive appraisals to assist entrants on the photographic journey.

More details on club competitions and the rules can be found in our club program and in the calendar below. Please refer to the current program for details about how to prepare and submit images for each competition. A list of definitions is available to assist in entering club competitions.

The club also participates in a number of inter club competitions throughout the year and members are encouraged to participate in these events.


Events in August 2023

  • Club Championship

    Club Championship

    August 10, 2023

    Judge: TBC

    Manly Leagues Club
  • Set Subject: Australian Landscapes

    Set Subject: Australian Landscapes

    August 24, 2023

    Competition - Set: Australian Landscapes
    Judge: Robin Moon

    A picture of natural scenery which may include trees, people, houses or other objects, provided that these elements do not dominate the picture. In visual art these restrictions are not relevant and will include studies of urban scenes or scenes of the built environment.

    Seascapes with no land do not fit the section.

    Manly Leagues Club

Manly Camera Club

A sub club of the Manly Leagues Club
563 Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale NSW 2100

Club Brochure

Club Program

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